Your chatbots are accessible via REST API. The endpoints to deployed ChatBots are publicly accessible unless you choose to attach a Smarter API key. HTTP requests should substantially conform this command structure:

curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: api-key-string-of-around-64-hashed-characters' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "messages": [
            "role": "user",
            "content": "what is FMLA?"
    "chat_history": [
            "message": "Hello, How can I help you?",
            "direction": "incoming",
            "sentTime": "11/16/2023, 5:53:32 PM",
            "sender": "system"

Your chatbot can also run in a pre-production ‘sandbox’ mode from inside the Smarter web console.

Domain Name Resolution

The Smarter application stack provides consistent behavior for any of three different domain name styles

  • Default ChatBot domain names: [subdomain].[####-####-####].[environment]
  • Customer’s custom domain names: [subdomain]
  • The Smarter API: /api/v0/chatbots/[int]/[]