I.T. and A.I. Consulting Partnerships

If you represent a consulting firm that does I.T. implementation projects, I.T. strategy projects, A.I. strategy projects, and A.I. implementation projects for corporate customers, then we should talk.
  • Querium can certify your organization as a Certified Project::smarter Consulting Partner.
  • You can incorporate the Project::smarter platform into the projects you propose for your clients.
  • Your team members can take our certification courses at a discount.
  • You’re organization with get access to senior support staff at Querium to call on for assistance.
  • We can conduct special train-the-trainer sessions for your training staff to enabled you to train additional staff on Project::smarter and to prepare you to teach your clients using our Prompt Engineering curriculum.
  • Your company will be featured in Project::smarter marketing materials and social media.
  • If your firm is headquartered outside the USA, we can also designate your firm as our recommended partner for consulting engagements in your home country.

We’ll work together with you to create a win-win-win for your company, your clients, and the global community of users of the Project::smarter platform.

To find out more about our consulting partnership opportunities, please reach out and let us know that you’re interested in I.T. consulting partnerships and A.I consulting partnerships.