Smarter Platform Administration Certification

8 weeks — $3,500 USD

Consider topping up your technical skillsets before you attempt to take on the responsibility of supporting an on-premise or hybrid installation of Smarter. This 8-week course is designed for seasoned IT professionals who have at least a rudimentary understanding of the technologies below. If any of these are new subject matter for you, we strongly encourage you to first complete independent self-study programs(s), sufficient to at least familiarize yourself with fundamental concepts.

  • Python + Django web framework

  • ReactJS or a comparable Javascript framework

  • Open Source code fundamentals including git branching and merging

  • Linux fundamentals & bash scripting

  • AWS cloud infrastructure

  • Terraform

  • GitHub Actions or comparable CI-CD platform

  • TCP/IP Networking Fundamentals

  • SQL and NoSql Administration Concepts

  • Docker & Docker Compose

  • Kubernetes

  • Nginx

Course Syllabus

  • Smarter Installation & Configuration
  • Basic infrastructure
    • Terraform review of basic concepts
    • kubernetes
    • MySQL
    • VPC
    • AWS ECR
    • AWS IAM
    • AWS S3
    • Route53
  • Docker
  • Github Actions
  • Python-Django review of basic concepts
    • Dockerfile
    • application run-time environment
    • Django database migrations
    • applications, workers, celerybeat
  • Nginx Controller
  • DNS setup
  • Security
  • Deploying Smarter
    • Managing Separate Environments
    • Helm chart
    • Kubernetes Pod Configurations
    • Kubernetes Deployment
    • Kubernetes Services
    • Kubernetes Ingresses & SSL/TLS Certificates
  • Smarter Administration
    • Django admin console
    • Django
    • Onboarding new accounts, new users
    • Understanding how your users work with Smarter
      • Command Line Interface
      • Manifests
      • Plugins
      • The Broker model
    • Protecting your platform and your data
    • Managing secrets
    • Running Smarter at scale
      • EC2 spot-pricing Vs Reserved Vs On-demand
      • replica sets
      • horizontal pod autoscaler
      • vertical pod autoscaler
    • Audit trails