Why Get Certified?

Master the Project::smarter platform to quickly and easily build Generative AI applications with Large Language Models without compromising the security of your proprietary information.  Avoid serving up hallucinated answers from LLM applications.  Control what corporate data and client PII is included in AI responses.

We offer four types of certification for users, developers, administrators, and consultants.

  • Users:  Get familiar with expert prompt engineering to produce outstanding results.
  • Developers:  Create your own plugins for the Project::smarter platform and create interfaces to new data sources.
  • Sys Admins: Deploy the Project::smarter service in your own infrastructure for ultimate control of your organizations private data.
  • Consultants: Learn the best ways to leverage the Project::smarter architecture to deliver great results for your clients and reduce your costs.

Click a use case below to find out more.

Prompt Engineering
Plugin Development
System Admistration

To create an efficient software platform that met the critical needs to avoid generative AI hallucination and the unintended disclosure of corporate secrets to the LLM providers, we created the Smarter.sh architecture. There are three key architectural concepts that are unique to Smarter, and require some amount of orientation to get a custom solutions up to speed: Smarter.sh Plugins, Smarter.sh Manifests, and the Smarter.sh CLI.

Smarter.sh Plugins

Smarter.sh Plugins extended the knowledge of your AI chatbot with your own facts.  These might be static facts, facts generated via REST API calls to other software, or fact data obtained from database queries.

Smarter.sh Manifests

For static facts, you can author these using Manifests.  A manifest specifies a set of facts in text, plus a set of prompt search terms that specifies the situations where the facts in the manifest are going to be used in the results of a chatbot prompt.

Smarter.sh CLI

You control your chatbot and interact with it using a Command Line Interface.  CLI commands exist to manage each type of resource managed by Smarter.sh.