Smarter Developer Certification

4 Weeks — $1,750 USD

Earning your Smarter Developer Certification is an eligibility requirement for membership in the Smarter Developer Program. A blended combination of Online learning and quizzes, live laboratories and graded assignments. Learners should plan to spend 6 to 10 hours per week on this course, which is intended for seasoned developers with advanced Python programming skills. To get the most from this course you should already be familiar with the following technologies.

  • Django Web Framework

  • ReactJS

  • Open Source code fundamentals including git branching and merging

  • Linux fundamentals

  • Cloud Infrastructure

  • CI-CD fundamentals

  • SQL and NoSql Databases

  • Docker & Kubernetes Container Orchestration

  • Basic familiarity with LLMs like ChatGPT

Course Syllabus

  • Smarter run-time environment
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
    • AWS high level tour: VPC, subnets, IAM, bastion server, Kubernetes, MySQL, ECR, S3
    • secrets management: key-pairs and rotation policies, terraform state leak risks, github secrets, pre-commit, your responsibilities
    • Command-line interface
    • REST Api implementation: nginx controller, ingress, ssl certs, django rest framework, authentication & security
    • Audit trails and the Smarter Journal
  • Python review
  • Django fundamentals
  • Pip review: what are we using and why
  • project management: git, branches, pull requests, Semantic versioning
  • local development environment with make docker-init
  • Using smarter: create a chatbot and interact with it on the command line
  • Getting started with LLM APIs
  • Prompt engineering fundamental
  • Under The Hood
    • code organization scheme: apps, common, lib
    • naming conventions
    • Python requirements: what are we using, and why
    • Dockerfile & docker-compose for local development
    • Application architecture overview
    • Django Rest Framework fundamentals
    • Pydantic fundamentals
    • Smarter REST Api
    • ChatBot, Chat and ChatApp
    • Chatbot API
    • Smarter Manifest model
    • Smarter Plugin model
    • Smarter Broker Model
    • Smarter’s Customized Django Admin console
    • Django-ReactJS integration
  • Getting Started with the Golang Command Line Interface
  • Good Coding Practices
  • 12-Factor Development