

We've been working with AI for a really long time

The A-Team

We’re the guys from Querium!

The boss gave us some creative freedom in 2024, and we used it to create smarter.sh

  • no-code generative AI text prompting platform

  • Advanced data integrations

  • Enterprise class security, controls, and audit capability
  • Runs at scale with a Service Level Agreement

  • Hosted, on-premise or managed service

Meet our amazing team

90+ years of combined AI experience

The same guys who brought you the innovative patented StepWise technology that has backed dozens of AI teaching tools in the marketplace.

Kent Fuka


Elaine Kant, PhD

Chief Scientist

Maria Robinson, PhD

AI Engineer

Evan Baatarjav, PhD

AI Engineer

Lawrence McDaniel

Lead Product Engineer

Jim VanRiper

Senior Developer

AI solutions

smarter.sh at work

  • Education: for teaching generative AI in the classroom
  • Education: student admissions FAQ and automated support
  • Sales: pre-sales product FAQ
  • Customer Support: call center FAQ and routing agents
  • HR: job applicant inquiries
  • HR: employee FAQ
  • And many others…

Frequently asked questions

Check this list to see if we’ve already answered your main questions

How do I add my chatbot to my website?2024-05-20T10:24:20-06:00

We provide a sample chat web app that uses the standard React.js library, so you can host all chat assets within your website.  If you prefer, we can provide a single web URL for your production chatbot, so that you can host your chatbot interaction on our hosted web service.  Finally, we provide a command line interface (CLI), so you can create your own proprietary chat interface to suit your specific needs.

What kinds of data can I use in my chatbot to provide answers to users?2024-05-20T10:10:40-06:00

You can use multiple types of data to provide the knowledge facts for your chatbots.  We currently provide three main types of plugins to provide facts for a chatbot.

  • SQL Database Query Results.  You can have a chatbot that makes database requests to corporate databases or third-party application databases.  The queries use industry standard SQL, so you can integration with Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, etc.  Your chatbot plugin can query your databases in real time to get up-to-the-minute results.
  • REST API Results.  If your knowledge sources provide REST API access, we can help you create a custom plugin to query that data using Python. Examples of applications with REST APIs are Salesforce, PeopleSoft, ADP, ZenDesk, and hundreds of other enterprise applications.  By using a REST API, your plugin has access to live information from your applications.
  • Facts Expressed in YAML.  We can help you import other types of fact data stored in PDF files, Excel spreadsheets, JSON data, and other formats by translating that data to industry-standard YAML format.  By automating an update process, your fact data can be kept up to date for use by your chatbot.

Our professional services team can also create custom plugins for dealing with other types of data in a secure and auditable manner.

How do I audit the interactions between users and my chatbot?2024-05-20T10:12:01-06:00

The administrative interface displays a log of all of your chatbot interactions, and your admin staff can download your log data for routine analysis. We also log the interactions between the Large Language Model (e.g. ChatGPT) and our plugins that implement your fact base, so you can see what information is passed between the LLM and our software.

How do I control my proprietary data?2024-05-20T10:13:24-06:00

Your administrative staff determines what data become the facts that are accessible to your chatbots.  You can choose to either host your chatbots on our secure servers, or to have your I.T. staff deploy Smarter.sh in your own data center with our assistance.

Whether you use our SaaS service, or use our open-source platform on your own servers, your company’s data is not shared with any other Smarter customer.  Your chatbot only knows the facts that your staff discloses to your chatbot.  Your proprietary data is not shared with any Large Language Model (LLM) provider like ChatGPT, Gemini, LLaMA, or PALM.   Your database of facts (fact base) never leaves our servers.  Of course, your facts form part of the answers that your chatbot could cite in the interactions it gives with your users, so you should not include any facts in your fact base that you don’t want to include in chatbot responses.

You can have multiple chatbots, each of which has access to a different set of facts.  For example, your HR facts for an employee chatbot can be separated from facts used by your sales chatbot, which in turn could be different than the fact base used for a sales prospect chatbot.

How does my data get imported?2024-05-20T10:15:49-06:00

We train your admin staff to add data to your fact base.  Once the designed data is loaded, your team can test the chatbot before it is deployed.  Your data can either be accessed live using SQL from relational database, or via queries to your enterprise applications using a REST API.  We can also work with you to create your fact data in a standard YAML representation from a variety of data sources including PDF documents and Excel spreadsheets.

What data formats can I use to import knowledge?2024-05-20T10:17:16-06:00

Your data will all be converted into an industry-standard YAML format.  Converters exist to translate a wide variety of data representations into YAML, such as PDF, XML, JSON, Excel, and many others.  You can also build live links to SQL databases and REST APIs.

Will my proprietary data get exposed to the LLM providers like ChatGPT?2024-05-20T10:19:08-06:00

Absolutely not.  Your data resides solely on our secure servers, so it can never become training data for someone else’s machine learning models.  Our service works as a plug-in to a generative AI system like ChatGPT, so ChatGPT has to call our server for facts to incorporate into the responses our chatbot gives.  This keeps your data out of the hands of the large machine learning companies.

If you want ultimate protection for your proprietary data, we can assist you in deploying the open-source version of Smarter.sh onto your own servers in your own data center.  In this case your proprietary data need never leave your own servers.

What does Smarter cost?2024-05-20T10:20:39-06:00

Smarter is a hosted service.  You only pay for what you use. Your cost for the service is based on the amount of text that is sent between our servers and your users.  You can use your account information on our server to monitor your costs.  There is currently no annual contract to use Smarter.

If you use our open-source version running on your own servers, our software tracks only your volume of chat queries, so you still pay based on your usage volume.

AI solutions

You control what facts your chatbot knows

You provide data from a variety of data sources that your chatbot can consult.  Your chatbot never has to hallucinate an answer.  It can always cite references to your source materials.

  • PDF documents
  • Database exports
  • Spreadsheets

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